

Sillily Simple Refractors

I've made a couple of refractor telescopes in Keplerian configuration at hope with pieces of cardboard and random lenses I've owned/found at the Optics college at the University of Arizona

Reflector Telescope

One of the projects I want to work on is making a reflector telescope. I think I need to start with a simple Newtonian. I orignally wanted to grind and polish a glass mirror blank myself, but I talked to one of my Optics professors and he mentioned a stepping stone from making simple refractors to making a reflector should be acquiring a premade mirror to mess with configurations. So making my own mirrors is delayed, but he directed me towards ordering a spherical main mirror on Amazon and 3D printing its mount that I could try to build. A few of the online references I've found are:

I have yet to actually go for this, but, in the midst of Winter Break, I'm looking at purchasing the materials to make the "Hadley" project happen! Progress will be reported here.

Interstellar Invertebrates

Interstellar Invertebrates is...

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